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DART-MS 技术速递 -- 20170221



The latest developments in DART MS


Included in this newsletter:

  • Thermal Desorber DART® Launched
  • 热解析模块 (TD) DART® 发布
  • DART® MS for Methadone in Urine
  • 实时直接分析原尿中的美沙酮
  • Tyrosine in plasma by DART®-MS/MS
  • 实时直接分析定量血中酪氨酸
  • Electronic Cigarettes by DART®
  • 实时直接分析电子烟中大麻二醇


面对层出不穷的新型药物和爆炸物,一贯常用的离子迁移谱(IMS)就有点捉襟见肘、力不从心,二十一世纪的实验室应该有更合适的仪器来分析检测这类物质。还记得曾介绍过的 DART®-QDa 便携式原位质谱系统吗?现在,我们推出了一款新型模块—热解析模块Thermal Desorber (TD) module),它可在几秒内完成 IMS 进样海绵片上的表面擦拭样品的终极分析——您研究工作的超完美伙伴!


我们希望找到 IMS 用户加入这个“校验计划”,如果您使用过 IMS 就很容易理解 DART® 离子源的机理。这意味着您极有可能用我们的 DART® 技术来离子化这些困扰你许久的分子,进而获取海量信息来验证您的(单单基于 IMS 而不敢肯定的)假设。我们提供帮助,迈出下一步就看您!



如果您也要参加3月份在新奥尔良举办的 AAFS 会议,欢迎请莅临 IonSense 公司展台!咨询 DART®-QDa 便携式原位质谱系统和新颖的快速实时检测软件——“Pimisa” !


Recent DART Publications
最近发表的 DART 文章


Tandem DART® MS Methods for Methadone Analysis in Unprocessed Urine


Beck R., Carter P., et al., J. Anal Tox., 40, 140-147, 2016

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkv128


Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) coupled with both time-of-flight and triple quadrupole linear ion trap (Q-TRAP) mass spectrometers for screening and confirming methadone in untreated urine specimens. These approaches require neither expensive kits nor sample clean-up for analysis. More importantly, the total combined analysis time for both screening and confirmation methods was <5 min per sample; in contrast to the 3-5 day process required by traditional EIA, GC-MS and LC-MS-MS techniques.



通过 DART 离子源联接 TOF 和 QTRAP 质谱实现原尿样品中美沙酮的筛查和鉴定。该方法不需要昂贵的试剂盒,也无需样品净化。最重要的是,每个样品检测只需要3秒,即使从筛查到确认的总时间也少于5 min,而传统的 EIA,GC-MS 和 LC-MS/MS 需要3-5天的时间。


A novel approach to determine the tyrosine in plasma by DART®-MS/MS


Song Y., Liao J., et al., Anal Methods, 7, 1600-1605, 2015

DOI: http://doi.org/10.1039/C4AY02566K


A novel method for determining the tyrosine (Tyr) concentration in human plasma using direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART®-MS/MS) was developed. DART®-MS/MS was performed in the positive ionization mode with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) while using the ion transitions at m/z of 182.2/136.2 (Tyr). The experimental conditions and the sample preparation method were optimized to maximize the signal intensity. The linear range was determined to be 2-50 μg mL−1 from the calibration curve. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was 2 μg mL−1. The intra- and inter-day precisions did not exceed 15%, and the accuracies were less than ±15% for the 4, 18 and 38 μg mL−1 quality control (QC) samples.



研究建立了一种通过 DART®-MS/MS 系统定量检测人血浆中酪氨酸的方法。利用正离子模式下多反应监测模式(MRM)的离子对(182.2/136.2)进行酪氨酸的定量。仪器参数和样品制备方法都经过了优化以获得最佳灵敏度。未经任何预处理,该方法的线性范围(DART®-3200 QTRAP)为2-50 μg/mL,定量限为2 μg/mL,日内和日间精密度小于15%,对3个品控(QC)样品(4, 18, 38 μg/ mL)的准确度在±15%以内。

Evaluation of Commercially Available Cannabidiol for Use in Electronic Cigarettes


Peace M. R., et al., Frontiers in Pharmacology, 7, 2016

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2016.00279


Since 24 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana in some form, suppliers of legal marijuana have developed Cannabis sativa products for use in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). Personal battery powered vaporizers, or e-cigarettes, were developed to deliver a nicotine vapor such that smokers could simulate smoking tobacco without the inherent pathology of inhaled tobacco smoke. The liquid formulations used in these devices are comprised of an active ingredient such as nicotine mixed with vegetable glycerin (VG) and/or propylene glycol (PG) and flavorings. A significant active ingredient of C. sativa, cannabidiol (CBD), has been purported to have anti-convulsant, anti-nociceptive, and anti-psychotic properties. These properties have potential medical therapies such as intervention of addictive behaviors, treatments for epilepsy, management of pain for cancer patients, and treatments for schizophrenia. However, CBD extracted from C. sativa remains a DEA Schedule I drug since it has not been approved by the FDA for medical purposes. Two commercially available e-cigarette liquid formulations reported to contain 3.3 mg/mL of CBD as the active ingredient were evaluated. These products are not regulated by the FDA in manufacturing or in labeling of the products and were found to contain 6.5 and 7.6 mg/mL of CBD in VG and PG with a variety of flavoring agents. Presently, while labeled as to content, the quality control of manufacturers and the relative safety of these products is uncertain.


由于大麻在24个州和华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington DC)的合法化,大麻的合法供应商已经开发出应用于电子香烟的大麻产品。电子烟可产生尼古丁蒸气,供吸烟者用以模拟抽烟,而不会产生吸烟的危害。电子烟使用的烟液主要是尼古丁与植物甘油(VG)或丙二醇(PG)及其他调味剂的混合物。大麻中的活性成分大麻二酚(CBD)被认为具有抗惊厥,镇痛和抗精神病的功效,有望应用于成瘾行为的干预、癫痫的治疗、癌症患者的镇痛和精神分裂症的治疗。然而,CBD 仍属于 DEA Schedule I 中的药物,因为它没有被 FDA 批准用于医疗。本研究的样品是两种宣称含3.3 mg/mL CBD 的市售烟液。这些产品在制造和产品标识方面不受 FDA 管制,实验发现烟液的 VG 和 PG 中含有6.5和7.6 mg/mL的 CBD 和多种调味剂。目前,虽然这些产品标明了成分,但它们的质控和相对安全性还是不确定的。




华质泰科生物技术(北京)有限公司(简称“华质泰科”或“ASPEC”)致力于引领行业领域中的实时科学发展潮流,通过专业的技术、成熟的产品和持续高品质的服务为客户赢得更多、更好的投资回报。华质泰科是美国 IonSense 公司 DART  实时直接分析质谱离子源、ASAP 大气压固体分析探针、美国 Advion 公司 LESA-enabled TriVersa NanoMate 芯片多通道纳喷离子源、瑞士ColvaX 公司 HM4 超高分子量 MALDI 质谱检测系统、美国 Prosolia 公司 DESI 2D 解吸电喷雾质谱 和 Flowprobe 动态萃取表面成像质谱、美国 Phoenix S&T 公司双柱-双纳喷离子源及纳升柱控温盒、加拿大 Phytronix LDTD 激光热解析离子源等技术以及产品在大中华地区的总代理商。


ASPEC develops solutions to help advance innovations in real-time science and technology. We support scientists in chemical and life science industries by offering premier bio-analytical instruments, consulting and services. We are conducting sales, marketing, and support functions as an exclusive distributor of IonSense, Advion, CovalX, Phytronix, Prosolia, and many others in the Greater China region. ASPEC founded and co-organized the Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry Conference China, since 2013.


About IonSense


IonSense, Inc. provides OpenSpot Mass Spectrometry™ solutions to the fields of food safety, forensics, drug development, and chemical analysis. We manufacture and develop direct analysis in real time (DART®) technology licensed from JEOL USA, Inc. and atmospheric solids analysis probe (ASAP™) licensed from M&M Consulting.


DART and ASAP Sources are available for most commercial LC/MS systems. Look here to see if your system is DART-ready. And check here to see if your system is ASAP-ready.
