Flowprobe 是一种实时的原位动态微萃取技术,是美国橡树岭国家实验室的 Gary Van Berkel 博士发明了静态液滴萃取表面分析 (LESA)之后的又一创新发明。该技术基于液相微临界表面取样探针 (LMJ-SSP) 原理,其萃取效率在商品化的原位电离技术中首屈一指,适用于细胞、组织、聚合物等平面类样品的药物分布研究、癌症分析、微生物聚类分析等方面,并与主流质谱兼容(如 Thermo、Bruker 和 SCIEX 等 )。
About Prosolia
Prosolia strives to deliver the best experience to laboratory dependent organizations around the world through its innovative hardware and software products.
Since 2004, Prosolia has been guided by the vision of democratizing the mass spectrometer, making the power of its measurements more accessible to scientists, clinicians and technicians. Prosolia’s platforms simplify mass spectrometry allowing direct molecular analysis for disease phenotyping and drug determination in tissue, cells and biological fluids. These platforms accelerate break throughs in science and medicine by helping scientists deepen their understanding of disease biology, uncover new insights into drug action and distribution, and enable new measurements.